
Spacial Wrath

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Literature Text

That night, at Sharpedo Bluff, Flare and Aura were plenty worried. Flare was pacing back and forth repeatedly. Aura watched her for a moment, but when she showed no sign of attempting to sleep, he touched her shoulder. "Flare, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright," she said sternly, still pacing. "Drowzee asked me if I knew how to stop the distortion of space... I lied! I didn't even think twice about it! I know how to stop it! I just have to rip off the Afire Collar, leap off Sharpedo's head and..."

"Don't!" Aura's shout caused Flare to turn suddenly. "Don't TALK like that! You're freaking me out!"

"I'm freaked out!" Flare shouted back. "If we want to stop the end of the world, we have to die, Aura! We have to end our lives! Our souls will end up as part of this timeline's Spiritomb and that's if we're lucky!" She sighed. "Is it true, though? If we have to dissappear to save the world... Is it the right thing to do? Should I have told them?"

Aura shook his head. "Flare, don't believe that. How is it you can be brave in the dark future, facing against Diarugia Genshi, and yet you can't be brave now?"

Flare shook her head. "Don't talk about that. I wasn't fighting against fate then. This is a lose-lose situation. If the world lives, we die. If we live, the world dies. It's as simple as that and it's... disheartening." She shook her head. "I don't want to fall asleep, Aura."

Aura agreed. He pulled Flare close and pressed his lips against hers, trying to reassure her. Then the two of them rested there, lying against each other, trying to outlast worry.

He didn't remember falling asleep. At one point, he remembered sleeping, but he didn't remember falling asleep. When he woke, it was still dark, but he found Flare missing from his arms and rose. "Flare?" he called. No response. Maybe she's outside, he thought.

He carefully stepped up to find Flare gazing off the cliff. With a pang of worry, he shot towards her, but he slowed as he realized she wasn't going to jump. He came to a stop next to her.

Flare heard his footsteps and turned to him. "You too?" she asked. "I don't even remember falling asleep, but I remember sleeping."

"Same," Aura replied. "Don't even think about jumping," he warned.

"I won't," she assured him. She turned back to the sea. "Hey, Aura," she called. "What is it that makes you feel... you? Is it doing what you can in the time you have? Is it seeing something amazing in the world around you? Is it just living life?"

She shook her head. "For me, it's everything. It's the gratitude from the Pokémon we help. It's the burst of warmth when I use my sapphire flames. It's..." She cut herself off and turned to him. "It's loving you, Aura. Loving you makes me feel... me."

Aura turned to the sea. "It's everything," he agreed. "For me, it's the faces on the Pokémon around me. It's the shot of light when I trigger a Dimensional Scream. It's..." He closed his eyes, turned to Flare, and finished, "It's loving you, Flare. Loving you... makes me feel... me."

Flare smiled and pulled him close. "Why can't it last?" she asked. She turned to the water, and for one cruel moment, she saw the familiar shape of the sea princess crafted out of the waves. "To save the world, we have to die. Why can't we be allowed to stay in this realm? Why do we have to move onto the next?" She shook her head and glanced at Aura over her shoulder. "When we fought Dialga at Temporal Tower... You fought, even though you knew you'd vanish, because you knew if even if you were to dissappear... you thought you'd save the world, right?"

A nod came from Aura. "But this is different," Aura replied. "I can feel something distinctly off about this. There's something... malevolent... behind this. I can just tell."

His eyes widened. "When I was fighting Dairugia Genshi... I fought him, knowing I would fade from this world. But that's because I didn't really have a choice. Then, I knew... I flat-out knew that it would bring the peace"

Flare's eyes widened. "But this time... there's nothing for sure," she gasped, realizing. "This time... we don't know it." She sighed. "And yet, everything seems true. You're a human who came from a future that doesn't exist. I travelled to that future and returned to this world. So how can't it be true?"

"I don't konw!" Aura shouted, exasperated. "I just... I just don't know..."

He turned away from the sheer drop to water to see a ripple of light on the horizon. "Oh... Flare..."

Flare turned. "It... it's sunrise."

The two of them watched, for a moment, the rising sun over the distance. It was smooth, soft, and elegant, the way it rose into the air. "It's beautiful..." Flare mused.

Aura sighed. "A beatiful dawn," he murmured, "but it's beaity pales in comparison."

Flare shook her head. "Seeing the sun come up this way makes me remember. This isn't the first time I've seen the sunrise from here. The first time... I was with Juptile."

The dark name caused Aura to turn. "Juptile?"

"When we first came back from the future, it was impossible for me to sleep. I was tired as hell... and just as pained... but every time I tried to slip to the realm of dreams, images of Yonoir and the Yamirami came to my mind." She sighed. "I came up here. Juptile came and spoke with me."

"He did?"

Flare closed her eyes, and her mind turned back to that sunrise, so long ago. "Frankly, we were in a no-win situation. There was no hope. But when all seemed lost, you... you refused to give up. Even I had given up. What compelled you? How did you manage... to stay so strong?"

"I didn't give up when I saw Dairugia Genshi," she stated. "And Grovyle was intrigued. He asked me why I wouldn't give up. He asked me what compelled me, what helped me stay strong."

"And you said my name."

Flare nodded with a weak smile at the memory of herself. "Maybe it was because Aura stood by me." "After a while, yes, I did. It was you, Aura. It's always been you. Without you, I wouldn't be able to do anything." She sighed and turned back to the ocean. "Just before we lost Grovyle in the Hidden Land... Grovyle's last wish. He told me to watch your back. He made me swear on the Silver Current.

"I'm... ashamed."

Aura's eyes widened. "Ashamed?"

"I'm ashamed of myself because I can't keep myself together. I'm ashamed because I'm only looking at one side of the story - one possibility." She turned to him again. "I'm ashamed because you're not giving up... and I can't work up the courage to do the same."

She took a deep breath. "But now I'm done with it."

Flare stepped towards him. "Aura, I won't hide from it anymore. If you're not going to give up... then hell, neither will I!"

Aura gasped. "Flare..."

Suddenly, shockingly, he pulled her into a hug, knocking her to the ground. "Flare... thank you," he gasped. "If it weren't for you, I'd never be able to do this. Thank you."

Flare returned the hug heartfully. "There must still be something that we can do about this!" she gasped. "There has to be a way to save things without the two of us fading from existence! I'm going to look for every possibility. Only then will I accept this." She pulled back just enough to look into Aura's eyes.

"And even then... at least I'll be fading with you."

Aura smiled. "That's the Flare I know."

He pulled her into a deep, compassionate kiss.

And Flare returned it with everything she had.

"Any ideas?"

Aura pondered for a moment. "Before, it was the flow of time that was falling to darkness. This round, it's the fabric of space. Time and Space... I'm willing to bet they're connected."

Flare nodded. "It makes sense," she agreed. "Lapras gave us a lot of information about Temporal Tower - do you think she might know something about it this round?"

"I don't suppoes it would be all too unusual," Aura admitted. "Let's go ask her."

When they arrived at the beach and asked Lapras their question, the ocean Pokémon was silent for a long moment. "Well?" Aura asked calmly. "Do you know anything about it?"

"I'm sorry to say... I don't know anything about the spacial distortions," Lapras admitted. "However... I do know something about the concept involving the fabric of space."

Flare's eyes widened. "Really?"

Lapras nodded. "Time and Space are deeply connected. Just as the flow of time is succeptible only to the darkest manipulation, so too is the fabric of space hard to falter. As Dialga governs and embodies Time... so too is there a being which governs and embodies Space."

"Truly?" Aura asked. Then, remembering the Old Ruins of the Hidden Land, he asked, "Who?"

Slowly, Lapras turned away from the beachside. "Those of the dark future no longer would give the name Pairukia. Should space distort much further, they would add to the title, possibly give the name Pairukia Hinshi." She sighed. "Palkia is the name of Space - to those select few who know about it. And hidden in a rift in space, the Spacial Stadium is the domain of Palkia."

"Palkia..." Aura echoed softly. "Pairukia... and Dairugia..."

Flare closed her eyes. "If we meet Palkia, we might be able to learn more about these spacial distortions." She raised her gaze. "How do we get to the Spacial Stadium? Can you travel there?"

Lapras sighed. "I cannot," she admitted. "I can cross the sea of time, but riding the storm of space is beyond me. I know not where even the rift in space is. That is all I can tell you."

Flare winced. "Alright," she murmured. "Thank you anyways, Lapras," she said softly.

"Pairukia... the being that is Space itself..." Aura murmured as they returned to Sharpedo Bluff. "That's curious. Maybe if we can find a way to meet with Palkia, we can ask about the distortion."

"But where is it?" Flare asked. "How can we know where it even is?"

Aura shrugged. "No idea." He rolled his head on his shoulders. "Why don't we head to the Dojo, train for a while?"

"Sounds good," Flare replied.

That night, after a day of rigourous training - and a sheer warning from Marowak when they glanced into the entrance of the forbidden maze - Aura and Flare collapsed, exhausted, in Sharpedo Bluff. Before long, the two of them were asleep.

They hadn't been asleep for long, though, when a screeching cry echoed through the very space around them, jerking them out of the realm of dreams. Aura was on his feet in a moment - and was very nearly knocked off of them when hte bluff started to tremble.

"Wah!" Flare screeched. "Tremors!?" A wicked flash of light surged, prompting Aura to roll across the shaking ground and raise before Flare defensively.

When the light faded, however, his effort seemed fuitle.

Standing in the center of the cave was a massive figure the colour of seawater on white sand. Its body was covered in patterned deepsea lines, and from its shoulders emerged plated wings like armour. Its hands ended in claws sharper than Yamirami; its face was a helmet with fangs curving upwards before its eyes; and its shoulders were imbued with shining pearls.


"Palkia!" Aura and Flare gasped simutaneously.

I have found you at last!

The words tore through the space around Flare, causing her to scream.

The defilers... causing the distortion of space! Palkia's anger made even Aura want to run, but it was no use. You cannot escape now! This... is the end of you!

He raised his stance and roared, ricocheting through space as dimensional energy gathered around the pearls on his shoulders. Flare screamed; Aura pulled her close as the two of them faded into space itself.

At the beach, three toxic figures emerged from Beach Cave. For a hefty price, Team Skull had recieved a lift from a Sharpedo through the water to the pit of Beach Cave. It was the only way they'd be able to make it to the guild unnoticed; taking the land route would trigger Sunflora's sharp leaves, or Corphish's pressured water, or - Antimatter forbid - Wigglytuff himself.

Skuntank grinned toxically. "It's time. Let's take out those losers."

He took one step forward.

That was all it took before a sound like tearing dimensions emerged from Sharpedo Bluff. The three of them leapt in shock, shouting, "What was that?!" Something rumbled in the air around them, causing even Skuntank to tremble.

Then an orb of searing spacial light burst from Sharpedo's mouth, arcing through the air to a distant place. The residual energy was so powerful it caused the fin of Sharpedo to shift.

Team Skull fled, racing back into Beach Cave for their ride.

Aura and Flare had no idea that Team Skull had just been scared mulchless - or that Sharpedo's fin had been shifted so that it covered the team base's entrance. After Palkia had shouted, the next thing they knew was a surge of power as they were sent flying through a storm that was otherworldly.

This is my domain... the rift in space that marks the entrance of the Spacial Stadium! Palkia's roar caused them to turn to see the great ruler of dimension flying towards them through the storm of space. You who dare to distort space without the consent of Space itself... it is time I was rid of you!

He shot forward and lashed out, but Aura pulled Flare out of the way, missing the strike by inches. He spun through space as Palkia turned, spacial energy flowing through his claws as he swept them in an X.

The attack came from everywhere, but somehow Aura managed to guard flare as an X of raw space tore across him, searing through his body. It drained him, it tore through him, but he didn't dare to let it kill him.

He pulled the Emit Ring from his finger.

Raw emerald aura flashed around him as the silver ring flew through the storm of space, the ruby upon it glinting in the scattered light of endless black holes. He caught Flare and surged the aura to his feet, tearing through space in desperation. He had no control over where he was going; the storm twisted reality, pulled him around, sometimes threatened to direct him back at their attacker.

All he knew was that he was fleeing from the embodiment of Space.

When he could see Palkia no more, he struck something and blacked out.

Aura opened his eyes to feel Flare's healing flames washing over him. What surprised him was that it wasn't the blue orbs of Will-O-Wisp - it was a massive flame - or maybe a small bonfire - of iridescent sapphire that washed over him, blotting out every sight and yet it didn't feel any more heated than as though he were warming his hands by a fireplace.

"Thank heavens, you're alive."

The Riolu looked sideways to see Flare standing next to him. She was the only thing visible through the fire; her eyes had turned shimmering sapphire. "You got us away from Palkia - that something I'll never be able to properly thank you for."

"Then we're even," Aura replied, remembering Flare's bravery in travelling to Miracle Sea. He rose, reaching for his neck. The Ravage Ring was still there, tied around his neck, but he made the mistake of touching it. Raw aura flashed from the connection, fading into the sapphire flame, though the pain was lost in the bask of fire.

Flare glanced around. "This place... it's scary," she murmured. "This rift in space is frightening. There's so much power in the air, here, it's almost dangerous on its own."

"Flare, I can't see a thing except you." Aura said calmly. "I can't hear anything but you. I can't feel a thing except your flames. I'm sorry, but withdraw the flame, please?"

The Vulpix bit her lower lip. "Then brace yourself," she replied softly. She closed her sapphire eyes and let the blue fire slowly fade. Aura closed his eyes as the last of it faded from around him. He counted to seven. Then he opened his eyes.

And screamed.

Like a girl.

Unknown to Flare, they were actually at the edge of the Spacial Stadium. Surrounding them was a storm of raw space - bursts of spacial lightning tore through the air, some threatening to come near them. The air rippled with dimensional power. He wasn't touching the ground, which he realized was because emerald was coating his feet - and somewhat his entire body. When he knelt down and touched it with his hands, however, the texture was indescribable, like Regigigas' body.

"This... this is the Spacial Stadium."

Flare shuddered. "What is this?" she asked. "Why are we here? Palkia... he wanted to kill us."

Aura nodded. "We need to go deeper. We need to get out of here." He clenched his fist. The Emit Ring was missing from his finger, which was the source of the aura flow around him. He shouldn't have been worrying about that then - giving it up was a small price to pay to get away from the enraged Pairukia.

"Let's go," he stated, turning to Flare.

She nodded. "Let's."

Spacial Stadium composed of three sectors - the rift and surrounding storm, the walls of the stadium, and the arena. The rift was a frightening place to venture through; the world shifted under their feet, and it weren't for the uncontrollable influx around Aura, he and Flare would never have survived. The rift was mostly occupied by flying Pokémon; Charizard, Honchkrow, Xatu, and Kadabra.

At the start of the walls was a Kangaskhan Rock. Not only did it ward off their foes so they could recover, but they swiftly swapped the items of their Treasure Bag for Reviver Seeds, Blast Seeds, Max Elixirs, and Sitrus Berries. The walls didn't shift (often) like the outside, but they were filled with Gallade, Hypno, Solrock, and Lunatone.

When finally they arrived at the arena, Flare was scared. Heavily. She was trembling from the Pokémon, from the spacial lightning, from the fear of Palkia emerging from nowhere, and Aura was resisting the urge to pick her up in his arms and attempt to fly out of there. They glanced around carefully... but there was no way out.

"This is a dead end," Flare murmured. "It's as far as we can go. What do we... huh?" She locked her sights onto something. "Aura... look!"

Aura followed her gaze to see the Emit Ring caught on the uneven wall of the arena, trembling with residual aura. "At least we've got something out of this place." He took one step forward.

Then hell broke loose.

The arena tore itself apart, sending Aura and Flare hurling through the spacial rift. Aura caught himself with his aura and looked around, catching sight of Flare flying out of reach. Before he could surge forward, however, a massive figure the colour of ocean shot up before him.


Your resistance is useless! Palkia roared. You shall not escape the clutches of space! It is your fate... to be obliterated by Space! He swept his claws forward, but Aura flew - literally, flew - out of the way of the rend that came at him. He hovered there for a moment, marveled at the power of his uncapped aura.

Then he wove through the air towards Flare, desperate to get to her before Palkia destroyed her. Palkia raced up behind him, sending pulses of water and bursts of psychic energy after him; but Aura wove through an ocean, took a mindstorm that only healed his wounds, and tore after his loved one.

The water had struck her, healed her through the Afire Collar, and she saw Aura flying towards her. He was nearly there when Palkia shot him in the back with a wicked blow that caused him to shout in pain. The spacial energy tore through his body and ripped him forward, over her as she watched, helpless, his body flickering between dimensions.

Now it is your turn!

Flare spun in time for Palkia to slam a crushing blow into her - ancient rocks that tore a scream from her lips and sent her flying. She flew past Aura as Palkia raised his hand for a blow. Aura heard the scream and righted himself, focusing his aura to keep himself in the right world; then he formed a Reversal around him, grabbed the orbs, and hurled the Reversal Sphere at Palkia.

The dominion of dimension took it without flinching and left a wicked slash on Aura that tore his flesh apart. That was before the spacial energy rumbled around him, pulling at his aura, slowly tearing him apart.

Flare felt helpless. She was watched the one she loved die, and there was nothing she could do to help him. Her auma welled up inside her, raging, screaming at her to slay Palkia through whatever means neccessary.

Then a silver shape flew towards her, studded with a shining, aural ruby. It was Aura's Emit Ring. She saw it. She let it fly towards her. Was it just her, or did it intentionally slide onto her forepaw?

Then she decided to listen.

A burst of auma bathed Flare as her eyes burned fierce ruby. She surged towards Palkia with an angry shout, and Space raised his eyes as a five-pointed Fire Blast surged through the air and nailed him in the helm. He reared back, then roared violently enough to sear the world.

"Stay down!"

Then you will fall first! He slashed out with both hands, sending a flare of space tearing at her from all directions, but Flare let a thousand Flamethrowers loose from her very fur, tearing the attack apart. Then she unleashed a thousand more Flamethrowers condensed into one that sent Palkia flying backwards.

"She said stay down."

Flare turned to see Aura fly up beside her. There was him, coated in emerald aura. There was her, bathed in golden - she did a double-take - yep, golden flames.

"You know we're flying, right?"


Aura raised his hands as cobalt surged into them, then hurled a Reversal Sphere towards Pairukia, shattering the attack that came at him. He shot forward, gathering aura into his fist as he arced around the dragon, slamming a Focus Punch into one pearl, then the other.

The second the second was struck, they both cracked.

Palkia roared as the rift tore at Aura, but he fought it and flew back to Flare, wrapping his arms around her as space attacked his very spirit.

No... No!

The ruler of Space twisted around, shot towards Aura, raised a claw to strike...

...and fell completely still.

Aura stared at the immobile Palkia. His vicious sapphire eyes had dulled, the cracks on his pearls deepened, and the patterns over him lost their sheen. "What... what happened?"

Pairukia... has fallen into the nightmare.

Flare spun around. "Who... who's there?"

The power of darkness... has spread so much further. It has... enveloped Space itself... in a nightmare. If its growth... remains unchecked, the world... will be drowned in darkness.

"The nightmare..." Aura muttered. "The nightmare caused by the distortion of space..."

You two... would you enter the nightmare... of Pairukia?

Flare's eyes widened. "Palkia's nightmare?"

Yes. By entering... Pairukia's nightmare, perhaps you... will learn why he attacked you. So... will you enter... the nightmare of Pairukia?

Aura and Flare turned to each other and nodded.

Very well. You've... decided your course of action. I... shall send you into... Pairukia's nightare.

Ripples of night washed over Aura and Flare, bathing them in sleep.

Aura opened his eyes.

Unlike before, Flare was at his side. They were in an area not unlike the arena of Spacial Stadium. Palkia was there, perched in the center of the arena, on one knee, but he slowly rose to see Aura and Flare.

You two...?! Palkia's voice rippled with confusion. What are you doing... in the realm of dreams?! The sapphire widened. No! I remember! You two... you fought me... So why am I... in the realm of dreams?

Aura stood firmly. "You fell into a nightmare... Palkia." He stumbled, stopping the instinct to use the dark name.

What... What did you say?!

"The nightmare caused by darkened space," Aura explained. "The one that a friend of ours fell into. That countless unknown Pokémon fell into. And that you, too, have now fallen into."

Palkia was almost uncomprehending. The nightmare... of darkened space?!

There was maybe three fifths of a second between the moment the last word echoed and the moment Palkia's roar tore the stadium into a rift. Flare screamed. Aura sword. Palkia narrowed his gaze.

This proves it! You both should not exist! It is only tearing space further! He surged forward, raising a claw to strike.

"Wait, Palkia!" Flare pleaded. "Please, we have to ask you something. Why is it you try to get rid of us?"

Palkia waited, but his eyes burned with space, even in a nightmare. You dare feign ignorace! He shouted. Your very presences distort space with reckless abandon! If this distortion spreads, the power of darkness will grow yet further! The world will be drowned in the same nightmare! He threw his claws to his sides. And to prevent it, I must wipe you off the face of the dimension!

Flare winced. "There must be some other way!" she shouted as Palkia prepared to strike. "Pairukia!"

The shout caused Palkia to stumble, to pull back as Flare raised her gaze, her lips tainted by the dark name. "You hold sway over space, Palkia! You are the dominion of dimension!" Her desperate shouts echoed throughout the nightmare. "Can't you mend this distortion yourself?!"

Palkia narrowed his gaze. Under normal circumstances, it is true I can rend space to my will. But for the first time ever, there is a mark of dimension I cannot alter! Worse still, the mark spreads with every moment! This is your doing! The only way to save this realm is to tear you from existence!

It was all the same things Cresselia had said. It made Flare want to scream. It made Aura want to swear. "It's true," Flare gasped. "It's the only way to be rid of the nightmare..."

Aura spun towards her. "Flare...!"

I apologize.

Palkia's words caused Aura to turn back as dimension gathered around the cracked pearls on his shoulders. But this must be done to heal the realm. Forgive me! He spread his arms, raised his head to rend the air...

And was cut off by the darkest flash.

"Ah, here you are... I've found you at last."

The flash caused Palkia to pull away as the familiar shape of Cresselia appeared, hovering between Team Storm and Space. She looked around. "The spreading darkness... engulfs even this mind..."

Cresselia hovered towards them. "You must be... eliminated as soon... as possible," she growled. "Before we pass... the point of no return..."

We refused to give up...

Flare's words echoed in Aura's mind even without her saying them.

We did everything we could...

Cresselia advanced menacingly, causing Aura to throw a hand before Flare defensively.

After everything we did... was it all in vain?

How was it that Flare had shown so much bravado... but it faltered before Cresselia?

Was all our effort for nothing?

"Are you... ready for your end?" Cresselia's words were menacing as her eyes flashed with... darkness?

"Will it really save the world?" Flare murmured desperately. "Will it really stop the darkness?"

Cresselia nodded. "Of... course it... will. It... is beyond... a shadow... of a doubt..."

Flare gulped down flames. "Then... then I am satisfied..." she gasped.

Flare... no! Aura resited the urge to scream it. After so much effort... Your will is really swaying... Is this... is this truly right?

Wait, Cresselia.

All three of them - Cresselia, Aura, and Flare - turned their gazes to Palkia, who stood there commandingly. Blinded by fury, I attacked them earlier... but upon seeing them now, they are not driven by malice or wickedness. You said they were villianous when you visited myself in the realm of dreams... But can they truly be villians?

Aura's eyes widened.
Palkia's dreams? Cresselia said that about us?

Cresselia smirked. "Do not be... fooled by... appearances... Pairukia..." she stated, and Aura was shocked when the dark name mingled with her words. "If we are... rid of them... now, then all... will be saved."

She uses his dark name... She visited his dreams... She called us villians? The thoughts tumbled in Aura's mind. Palkia is growing suspicoius... Something is very wrong here! It's all based on Cresselia's claims!

"Enough... of these words," Cresselia growled. "It is time... I was rid... of you two..."

Flare... no! Aura's thoughts travelled to her ears, but when he saw the flash of darkness in Cresselia's eyes again, Aura broke his silence. "Don't give up! Don't abandon hope!"

"No... Never abandon hope!"

The flash of darkness in Cresselia's eyes was countered by a heavenly flash of light. Between Cresselia and Palkia there was another figure. It was identical to Cresselia in every way, but it seemed infinitely more heavenly... more beautiful Aura, Flare, and Palkia glanced between the two crescent figures several times before Aura saw the difference.

Where one's eyes were gold in a flood of blood red...

...the other's were lapis blue in a seamless sea of gold.

The Cresselia with ocean eyes emitted a flash of light that blinded all, but for only a moment. When it faded, where the blood eyes had been was now a dark, menacing figure that made all pull back but Cresselia.

She phased forward, appeared before the dark one, and knocked it back as the arena reappeared around them.

"That," she stated, "was too close!"

The dark figure rose. "Damn you... Kureseria..."

His voice, so necrous the dark name didn't deepen it, was as dark as his figure. He was night-black, bathed in a seamless auma of darkness. His hands ended in claws, and from his shoulders emerges ripples of blackness. Around his neck was a brace of bloodred crystals, and wispy white shadows flowed down over his right eye and up into a flow. He slowly rose from the ground, and two stiltlike legs appeared as he took stance.

"I had turned Pairukia... I was about to dispose of those Storm brats once and for all... and yet you still managed to stop me... I must admit, I am impressed..." A brief chuckle left him.

Cresselia narrowed her eyes. "Aura... Flare... Palkia... listen to me." The fact that she didn't use Space's dark name proved the words that followed. "All this time, you have been misled. The Cresselia you thought you knew until now was not me. That false Cresselia was nothing more than a nightmare forged by the dark one you see here!"

Flare's eyes widened. "A fake? Nothing more than a

Aura growled with cobalt in his eyes, and he turned towards the dark one across from Cresselia. "Tell me... who are you?!"

"Auran... You who has not fallen into the nightmare as deep as any other has..." He narrowed his gaze menacingly. "My name is Darkrai." There were two layers to his voice as he said it; the second, deeper layer was the one that called, 'Dākurai' with darkness.

"You necran bastard," Cresselia's voice was angry. "Using an illusory duplicate of me to deceive others..." She smirked humorlessly. "That is so typical of you. And yet pulling your actual self from hiding, from the safety of the darkness... That you would personally emerge from the shadows to dispose of Team Storm is so very unlike you!"

Darkrai smirked in return, only his was amused by Cresselia's words. "Still your tounge for a moment, you cresential bitch..." He turned his gaze. "You, auran... and you, pyran... Pay close attention to what I have to say..." He spread his sharp-ended hands. "The one truly responsible for exploiting the spacial distortion...? For shrouding the world in nightmare...?

"It is my doing... Mine alone..."

Flare's eyes widened. "Wh-what?! What did you just say?!"

Palkia's roar preluded the rend that tore towards Darkrai, but the newmoon one raised his hands, causing the rip to fall still. He glanced over his shoulder as he spoke. "Be still, Pairukia..." he growled, "Lest I end you first..."

He chuckled menacingly, his stiltlike legs moving smoothly as he turned back to Aura and Flare. "You are more than welcome to try and stop me... If you truly think you are up to the task..." He interlaced his clawlike fingers. "Come to me... I will be waiting in the Dark Crater..."

Cresselia glared at him. "You are not getting away, you necran bastard!" She shot forward with lunar light flowing across her winglike curves, but Darkrai raised his hands, causing space to rip forward, cutting off Cresselia's flight. A void of darkness opened below him; one that he motionlessly sunk into. Then it closed, leaving no trace but a voice.

"You cannot catch me, Kureseria... Not ever..."

The dark voice echoed around the nightmare. "You two... I shall be waiting in the Dark Crater..."

Flare lowered her gaze. "Dark... Crater..."
I know, it's been long as hell, I don't want to hear it! Damn, do I have something cruel in mind...
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